
Examples such as the swift transition from in person classes to a distance style of learning showcase Baruch and CUNY's repertoire of potential technological mechanisms to enhance the learning experience. However, while there are many types of technological mechanisms already in place for Baruch students to use, if I was in charge of advancing the technological assets under Baruch, I would continue in the same direction. However, unlike the current Baruch Administration, I would utilize New Media sources to do my job. For example, as the point of my job is to open up channels of access to new technologies for Baruch students, I would implement direct communications with the students. As polling through Twitter, Google Forms, and other New Media mediums are so easy to use, I would use these polling devices to communicate directly with students. This would address a main complaint of a large group of Baruch students; a disconnect in communication between students and the Administration. While polling students to see what hardware technologies they would like to use, I would continue to maintain the online accesses Baruch students have just by being students of the College. For example, I will make it my goal to maintain the ability for Baruch students to sign up to major newspapers such as the New York Times for free. Additionally, I would maintain the accessibility to the library's website databases. Using the library website gives Baruch students countless amounts of different databases to use to obtain reliable information; a fundamental necessity in the education system. Overall, I would maintain all the technological accessibility Baruch already has and add more through direct communication with students.


  1. I love these suggestions, especially the one that uses polls from new media platforms. It's important for the Administration to acknowledge and address the complaints of the student body, since we technically are their customers.


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