Blog Social Networking

Blogging is defined as an online page where an exclusive group of authors writes entries onto their online page. The main function of a blog is not a specific track as different blogs withhold different types and styles of information. For example, some blogs can serve as a reliable intellectual fountain of information while other blogs can merely be a personal journal. Due to the variance of functions, different blogs are catered to different audiences, with the benefits and disadvantages ranging per blog as well. One primary benefit of blogging can be rooted in the networking needed to blog. In order to have a successful blog, the blog needs producers and consumers of the information on the blog. Additionally, in order to sustain a successful blog, the producer of the blog must be able to grab the attention of the consumer every time new content is available. This methodology of constantly reeling the consumer back in has been seen in all walks of technology. For example, during the long campaign leading to the 2008 United States Presidential Election, Democratic Nominee Barack Obama utilized this methodology to grow his base. Specifically, President Obama needed to somehow get vital information to potential voters in order to secure their votes. As a result, President Obama’s campaign offered an exchange to supports; possible supporters “traded their personal information for a ticket to a rally or an e-mail alert about the vice-presidential choice, or opted in on Facebook or MyBarackObama can now be mass e-mailed at a cost of close to zero” (Carr). President Obama’s example of utilizing blog-related technology to benefit his campaign can be considered one of the reasons why he was elected as president; a humongous effect on every person in this world. On the other hand, blog-related technologies can be utilized in negatively impactful ways. For example, Facebook recently created a marketplace on its platform which enables people to post listings and sell things through the platform. In one incident, a scam seller had listed an RV on the marketplace at a very affordable price (NBC 2). After the seller agreed with a buyer to sell the RV, the seller asked for the transaction to take place on eBay. After receiving the money for the RV, the buyer quickly realized the listing was fake and they had been scammed and robbed out of thousands of dollars (NBC 2). This example shows that while many people utilizing places of interactions with others on the internet, use these platforms in appropriate and beneficial ways, there are people out there who are looking to do harm. I believe that while these scams such as the one saw in the RV example will never stop, the benefits significantly outweigh the negatives, which will continue to propel the technology industry to higher limits.

Work Cited

How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks’ Power," by David Carr, The New York Times. November 10, 2008; at

NBC2 Investigators: Multi-million dollar scam being used on Facebook. April 27, 2018. 


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