The rapid growing era of technology is not only introducing more efficient hardware products, but also software practices as well. A software practice can range from the operating system in which the computer uses to function, to a simple practice such as file sharing. In fact, simple tasks such as file sharing have become very popular among people as programs have made file sharing simple and easy. To explain, file sharing is the transferring of local files from one computer to another computer. The transaction between two computers can take place on a local network or through the internet. Different types file sharing have proven to have all sorts of benefits with P2P file sharing arguably leading the pack. P2P file sharing is a type of file share in which users share files through software based internet connected highways instead of transmitting through a server. With P2P file sharing being essentially software dependent and server independent, economic opportunities such as low mass production costs become a main reason why people favor P2P file sharing (King). One of the biggest companies that capitalize on this economic opportunity is Skype. Skype is a computer application in which users can transmit texts, video chatting, and audio chatting through P2P file sharing telecommunications. With users needing an internet connection to make a call in the first place, Skype has taken advantage of the necessity of an internet connection, Skype was able to use P2P file sharing to lower their costs as users have internet connections. Overall, P2P file sharing has proven to be one of the many ways new technologies have provided economic opportunities for producers and consumers. 

Works Cited

Take Advantage of P2P - not fear it by Jamie King, New Media Age. London: Nov 22, 2007. pg. 19.https://econsultancy.com/nma-archive/56421-content-producers-should-take-advantage-of-p2p-not-fear-it


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